Who are Frontier People Groups?

Who They Are

Frontier People Groups are groups in which fewer than 1 out of 1,000 people are Christians (less than 0.1%) with no known indigenous movement to Jesus.

These people groups have no reproducing communities of Christians within their culture to show them what it means to follow Christ.

These people groups often view Christianity as a competing foreign political and religious force that threatens to pull apart families and communities, making the task of spreading the Good News of Jesus' work more difficult.

Why They Matter

More people live in Frontier People Groups than in North America, South America, Europe, and Australia Combined.

This means that of everyone alive today, 25% live in a people group where there is almost no opportunity to hear about Jesus.

We Can Reach Them

Half the population of all Frontier People Groups lives in the largest 31 FPGs.

By focusing our efforts on the largest 31, we can start a domino effect of evangelism among these people!

Get Involved

The Great Imbalance

99% of missionaries are working among people groups where there are already movements to Jesus.

This means only 1 out of every 100 missionaries is working among Frontier People Groups.

Where Are Missionaries Going?

Want to learn more? 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the barriers to reaching these people?

Barriers continue to exist in reaching FPGs.

These range from political and religious pressures, access to Scripture, literacy rates, and identifying existing Christ followers active in spreading the Gospel. For more info on barriers, view this resource.

Where are Frontier People Groups located?

Most FPGs are found in the 10/40 window.
90% of FPGs are in India and majority Muslim countries.

You can view the maps here.

Who are the largest Frontier People Groups?

Half the population of FPGs live in the largest 31 people groups in this category.

You can see an updated list of the largest 31 FPGs here.

Why are Gospel Movements necessary?

In Frontier People Groups, Christianity is often viewed as a competing foreign political and religious force that threatens to pull apart families and communities.

Evangelism and church-planting that encourages or expects individuals to leave their families reinforces these fears.

FPGs are best reached through gospel movements which bring God’s blessing to heal and strengthen families and communities.

Learn more here.

Have we made progress? 


40 years ago 50% of the global population lived in people groups where there were almost no believers.

After years of praying for these people and for God to raise up laborers among these people, that number is now down to just 25%. God is answering our prayers and moving among unreached people groups!

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

Luke 10:2
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